Google Develops Unmanned Car Technology

Google by a team of the best engineers in the world to develop an automatic car technology (cars without driver) said the first in the world of robotics research.

According to team leader Sebastian Thrun on Google's official blog, the technology is designed to help prevent traffic accidents, save time and reduce carbon emissions human.

Automatic cars are driven by computer software (software) that combines the use of video cameras, radar sensors and a laser range finder (to observe traffic) as well as a map. Now Google already has Google Maps: a detailed map data software.

Test drive their cars have been successful on the road as far as 140,000 miles.

On 29 September, Google CEO Eric Schmidt once said, "It is something that makes sense if the car you drive yourself."

He added, "It is a 'bug' when the car was invented before the computer was invented."

'Bug' in computer terms is an error.

The move is the latest signal that Google is determined to change the way the car is driven.

Is possible that soon, we will be able to see cars without drivers on Malaysian roads.

If the first Android (smartphone software technology) has not been worn by a man, now it is facing stiff competition for Apple OS that apply in the iPhone.

Hopefully one day, more and more Muslims in the forefront of developing technologies that will benefit the entire human race.

Indeed Islam is a mercy for all creatures.

"We have not sent you, O Muhammad, except as a mercy to mankind." - Surah Al-Anbiya: 107

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