
Green Technology refers the development and application of products, equipment and systems to protect the environment and the natural environment and minimize or mitigate the negative effects of human activities. Green Technology refers products, equipment, or system that meets the following criteria:
? It minimizes degradation of environmental quality: it has the release of Green House Gas (GHG) that low or zero it is safe to use and provide a healthy environment and better for all living things;
? Conserve energy and natural resources; and
? Promote resources that are renewable.

Four Pillars of the National Green Technology Policy
• Energy - Looking for energy independence and promoting energy efficiency
• Environment - Conserve and minimize the impact to the environment
• Economy - Enhance economic development through the use of technology, and
• Social - Improve the quality of life for all.


• To reduce the rate of growth of energy consumption while enhancing economic development;
• To facilitate the growth of the Green Technology industry and enhance its contribution to the national economy;
• To increase the capacity for innovation in Green Technology development and enhance competitiveness in Green Technology in the arena;
• To ensure sustainable development and preserve the environment for future generations, and
• To increase public awareness and education on green technology and encourage its widespread use Green Technology.

Major Sectors

Significant progress and major improvements in the following four main sectors:

i) Energy Sector
• Energy Supply Sector: Application of Green Technology in power generation and energy supply management, including co-generation (co-generation) in the industrial and commercial sectors, and
• Sector Energy Consumption Application of Green Technology in all sectors of energy consumption and energy demand management programs.

ii) Building Sector: Adoption of Green Technology in the construction, management, maintenance and demolition of buildings

iii) Water and Waste Management Sector
• Adoption of Green Technology in the management and use of water resources, wastewater treatment, solid waste landfill, and

iv) Transport Sector
• Incorporation of Green Technology in the transportation infrastructure and vehicles, in particular, biofuels and public road transport.

i. Short-term Goals (10th Malaysia Plan)
• Increase public awareness high through support programs and a commitment to the adoption and application of Green Technology;
• The availability and widespread recognition in terms of green technology products, appliances, equipment and systems in the local market through standards, rating and labeling;
• Foreign Direct Investment (Foreign Direct Investments, FDIs) and Local Direct Investment (Domestic Direct Investments, DDIs) are larger in the manufacturing and services green technology, and
• local research institutes and institutions of higher learning to expand research, development and innovation activities on Green Technology towards commercialization through appropriate mechanisms.

 ii. Medium Term Goals (11th Malaysia Plan)
• Green Technology to be the preferred choice in products and services;
• Green Technology has a larger domestic market compared with other technologies, and contributes to the adoption of Green Technology in the regional market;
• Increased local production of Green Technology;
• Increased research and development and innovation of green technology by local universities and research institutions are commercialized in collaboration with local industry and multinational companies;
• Expansion of local SMEs and SMIs in Green Technology to the global market, and
• Increased application of green technology in many sectors of the economy.

iii. Long-Term Goals (12 th Malaysia Plan and beyond)
• Adoption of Green Technology in Malaysia culture;
• The widespread use of green technology to reduce overall resource consumption, while maintaining economic growth;
• Reduce significantly the energy consumption of the country;
• Repair of Malaysia's ranking in the environment;
• Malaysia became a major producer of Green Technology in the global market, and
• Increased international cooperation with local universities and research institutions with the Green Technology industry.

Risks of nanotechnology can be extended to three parts:
• risks to health and the environment arising from nano-particles and matter
• risks arising from the manufacture or production of molecules (or other nanotechnology)
• the risk that comes from the community itself.

Strategic Thrust

i) Strategic Thrust 1

Strengthen the institutional framework

In fostering the adoption and development of green technology, institutional arrangements is critical to promote the application of green technology through:

The establishment of the Green Technology Council, chaired by the Prime Minister or the Deputy Prime Minister for the high-level coordination between ministries, agencies, private sector and key stakeholders to implement effective green technology;
The establishment of a Cabinet Committee for Green Technology chaired by the Prime Minister or the Deputy Prime Minister;
Establishment of the Malaysia Green Technology Agency to coordinate and implement initiatives and programs are effective green technology;
Introduction and legal mechanisms to accelerate the development of green technology, in line with the objectives and goals, and
Enhancement of institutional clarity so that all agencies are aware of the roles and responsibilities of each.

 ii) Strategic Thrust 2

Prepare for Green Technology Development Environment Conducive

Development of Green Technology industry, whether in manufacturing or services, it is critical to meet the objectives of the Green Technology Policy. Greentech Industry provides for local and global markets, provide jobs, and improve the economy. This can be achieved through:

The introduction and implementation of innovative economic instruments backed by financial measures and fiscal incentives to foster an Green Technology growth in line with the objectives and goals;
Strengthen the understanding of local Green Technology industry and the industry value chain, including support through a variety of programs to increase the industry;
Promoting foreign direct investments (FDIs) on Green Technology that helps domestic direct investment (DDIs) and local industry participation and development;
Establish Green Technology hub Yeng straregik throughout Malaysia, expanding from the core value chain of the industry; and
Establish financing mechanisms for green technology.

 iii) Strategic Thrust 3

Strengthening Development

Human Capital in Green Technology

Skilled human resources, qualified, competent and productive is very important for the development of green technology. This can be achieved through:

Design and enhancement of training and education to improve human resource capacity related to Green Technology;

Financial aid and scholarships to students pursuing majors Green Technology at degree level and postgraduate;
Retraining program and apprenticeship scheme to enhance the skills of semi-skilled labor to meet the needs of the Green Technology industry;
Preparation of grading and certification mechanisms for competent personnel in the field of green technology, and
Exploitation of brain gain programs to strengthen local expertise in green technology.
iv) Strategic Thrust 4
Intensify Green Technology Research and Innovation
Research, Development, Innovation and Commercialization (RDIC) is very important in creating new technologies, techniques and implications that can reduce the cost of green technology and promote its use. Research, Development and Innovation (RDI) will be enhanced through:

Financial grants or assistance to public and private sector in RDIC;
Implementation of Green Technology in the future;
The establishment of an effective coordinating agency for RDI and centers of excellence or new research institute for the development of green technology;
Partnership between government, industry, and research centers, and,
The establishment of a strong network of local research institutions and regional and international centers of excellence in Green Technology RDI.

v) Strategic Thrust 5

Promotion and Public Awareness

Effective campaigns and public awareness are the two main factors that influence the success of the Green Technology. This is important because the society requires a change in thinking through various approaches including:

Ongoing effective promotion, education and dissemination of information through a comprehensive program to increase public awareness on Green Technology;
Involvement of the media, non-governmental organizations and other stakeholders to promote effective green technology;
Cultivating a culture of Green Technology among students at all levels through the development of an effective system of syllabus;
Demonstration program effectively in Green Technology implications, and
Adoption of Green Technology in all government facilities and government-linked entities

Five strategic move builds Green Technology Policy

BANGI: Datuk Seri Najib Razak today outlined five strategic step for the success of the National Green Technology Policy.

The Prime Minister said, the first step is to strengthen the institutional framework, especially among minister while the second step aims to provide a conducive environment for Green Technology Development.

He said the third step will stimulate the development of human capital through the provision of training and education programs.

"Step four is to encourage research and innovation through commercialization Green Tekologi.

"The final step is to strengthen efforts to promote and increase public awareness on green technology," he said when launching the National Green Technology Policy, here today.

Source: Daily News

Interviews Gallery @ 1, RTM 1
Y. Pts. Dato 'Dr Halim Bin Man
Secretary General of the Ministry of Energy, Green Technology and Water

1. What is the meaning of 'green technology'?

Green technology is the application of environmental science to conserve natural resources and to address the negative impact of human activities. Green technology is a low-carbon technologies and more environmentally friendly than existing technologies. When we use green technology, we use resources such as energy, water, etc. to a minimum to produce a product. Therefore, any technology that contributes to the reduction of GHG emissions or be used to develop products and services that generate GHG emissions that must be reduced through awareness high during the initial stages and further through enforcement. Application of Green Technology is also in line with the concept of sustainable development (sustainable development) in which the development undertaken to meet the needs of the present without compromising the needs of future generations. As such, we are responsible to ensure that future generations can at least enjoy a quality of life that we have now or better quality from now.

2. Why emphasized green technology in the administration?

On 9 April, the Prime Minister announced the establishment of the Ministry of Energy, Green Technology and Water to replace the Ministry of Energy, Water and Communications. I believe the emphasis on "green technology" is the right approach in dealing with environmental problems and economic growth. It is also in line with the agenda of the Governments around the world currently giving priority to environmental issues in particular the phenomenon of climate change. We as people of the world need to be responsible to jointly play a role in making the world a better place to live in.

In applying green technology, the biggest benefit is in terms of enhancing the quality of life by ensuring the quality of the environment more sustainable. Pollution of air, water, noise and so on will affect the quality of life if the problem is allowed to continue. When we use green technology, the negative impact on the environment is minimal.

Green technology also has great potential in driving the country's development. Industries that use or develop products on green technology can provide employment opportunities for the local community. We can also explore export opportunities "green" products that we have produced. The market for green technologies and products is very large, particularly in the renewable energy or renewable energy. For example, the solar photovoltaic industry has been identified as a new source of economic growth for our country. According to our estimates, by 2020, the PV industry to contribute 4 percent of the income of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP).

The Government will provide favorable policies to promote green technology. The private sector, professionals and researchers should work together to create and commercialize green technologies.

3. What is the importance of the application of technology and green practices in our lives as civilians?

As I said earlier, in general, Green Technology is an eco-friendly technology and a low-carbon technologies to reduce carbon emissions to the air, among other phenomena caused climate change. The effects of global climate change phenomenon that we experience now is that extreme weather such as hot weather conditions we are facing at the moment. In addition, natural disasters such as hurricanes, ice liquidity in the North and South Poles, rising sea levels and temperatures, extinction of species of flora and fauna and so also the effects of the climate change phenomenon prominent in the present. Therefore, the mitigation of global climate change phenomenon has been among the priority in the world at present.

The process of global climate change is inevitable. However, efforts can be done to slow down this process. Therefore, the application of Green Technology is one of the measures to slow down climate change. We as consumers is one of the biggest contributors to greenhouse gas emissions through daily activities and choices we make, for example, the use of automobiles, electric power, the use of chemicals such as pesticides and so on.

Accordingly, the application of green technologies and practices such as the use of electrical devices are energy efficient, use public transport or alternative fuels, conservation of water is one of the things that can be considered in performing our daily activities. Although green practices is not a habit for most of us today, we need to change our mind to make sure we still will be able to enjoy the life that we enjoy today in the long run. We must also realize that the choices made by us today will determine the future that will be experienced by our children in the future. Therefore, I would like to take this opportunity to call on all to begin to reach out to green practices such as recycling of small waste, use energy efficient appliances, energy and water conservation practices and so on.

4. Can Dato 'give me some suggestions and hope Mayor to society towards making Malaysia as a country that emphasizes green technology?

Government's efforts to implement green technology should be viewed from two aspects. First is the aspect of innovation, the effort to create or develop green technology. We do not necessarily create something complicated or complex. Simple products that are environmentally friendly and practical for our country can produce. It is important that students are encouraged from the school again to create something. On another level, however, our researchers can produce technology that can produce a product without wasting resources such as energy and water. New design should be practical designs that can be commercialized for local consumption and for export purposes.

The second is the use or application of green technology either in implementing the work or everyday living. We should adopt green practices as much as possible, starting with the simple things that we can do. For example, we can bring in a former drinking water without the need to buy water bottles. If we buy food to take back home, let us use food containers themselves from using styrofoam or plastic containers that are not environmentally friendly. Bring your own bags when shopping.

Users must also prioritize the purchase of energy-efficient electrical equipment types. Focus on the use of energy-efficient lighting. Such actions will result in energy savings. While the price of energy-efficient appliances are more expensive than standard equipment, but saving energy is abundant and less harm to the environment. What is important is that we start with simple steps and cheap first. Make the lifestyle of green practices. Parents should set a good example to their children so that they will also be encouraged to adopt a green culture.

Actually change in lifestyle and mindset change will move towards appreciation and practice of green technology. Small changes we make today will have a great impact in the future.

5. Are there any incentives provided by the Government to promote green technology?

For energy efficiency and renewable energy, the Government has introduced various fiscal incentives since 2003 for companies that generate electricity from renewable energy sources or the Renewable Energy (RE) and companies to adopt energy-saving activities of the Energy Efficiency (EE ) where they are eligible for tax exemption Investments (Investment Tax Allowance) and Status Pioneer (Pioneer Status).

These companies can also apply for an exemption of import duty and sales tax for a period of one year for machines, equipment, materials and spare parts imported directly used in the generation of electricity from RE sources and activities and EE. These incentives have been enhanced under the 2009 Budget which exemption may be granted for:

i import duty and sales tax exemption for solar systems equipment for the use of third parties be given to importers including photovoltaic service providers approved by the EC;
ii-a sales tax exemption for the purchase of solar heating system equipment from local manufacturers;
iii-Exemption of import duty and sales tax exemption on EE equipment such as energy efficient motors (high efficiency motors) and insulation materials (insulation material) is given to importers including authorized agents approved by the EC.
iv-sales tax exemption to purchase consumer goods' EE approved by the EC such as insulating materials, domestic refrigerators, Ballast for fluorescent lamps, domestic fans, lights and air conditioning.

6. Can Dato 'explain the steps taken or examples of programs held to bring awareness to the community?

The Ministry has started conducting awareness programs on Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, which is one of the branches of green technology since 2000 through the establishment of the Centre for Education, Training and Research in Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (CETREE) by Universiti Sains Malaysia. These programs are targeted to professionals, schools, higher education institutions and the public in Malaysia. Among the programs that have been implemented by the Fair Campaign CETREE Energy Conservation and Environmental and Energy Efficient Campaign at USM, Competition Eureka, Solar Car and Solar Kitchen, Carnival of Education Science and Technology and others. In addition, the module also has developed CETREE Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Across the Primary School Curriculum throughout Malaysia to raise awareness of school children at an early stage in the Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency.

In addition, the Ministry of Energy has also implemented a National level annually Month to raise awareness about renewable energy and promote energy efficiency practices among the public and private sectors. Among the activities carried out during the program Energy Month is holding talks related to energy efficiency, publishes guidebooks Energy Efficiency at Home, published a series of articles in newspapers and the mass media to promote energy efficiency.

In the future, the Ministry will undertake a campaign for Green Technology will involve relevant stake-holders including the public and the Ministry / Department of the Government, NGOs and other relevant agencies to educate and increase awareness and knowledge of all parties on the importance of technology Green in our lives. This is to ensure that the programs that will be implemented by the Government in promoting and developing the local Green Technology can be implemented effectively and appreciated by all sections of society.

Source: Ministry of Energy, Green Technology and Water


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