Bidong Island History

People drift is a person who is a refugee (people vietnam) during their country experiencing unrest and
communist crisis.

This event is said to occur around the 1950's and persists after several years.

There is also a note stating that this black event started in 1975. Vietnam refugees started arriving in Perhentian Island, Terengganu when a group of refugees who managed to arrive from vietnam. Bidong island also became a place to escape vietnam at the time

It was then followed by a series of other landing until increased to 1.400 refugees in 1977. In August 1978, following the gazetting of PU (A) 227, the state government agreed to declare the island of Bidung as a Vietnamese refugee settlements.

People drift is also said to start landing on the Beach Series Seven, Tumpat in the 1950's. This is further strengthened by the construction of the memorial, vietnam refugees that are here

At that time, they escape by land and sea. Mostly they boarded barges and small boats to reach to other countries, including Malaysia. Highest number of refugees on a cruise ship is landing Hai Hong in Port Klang in November 1978 with a total of 2.400 breakout on it.

Boat people

-Collapse of democratic government vietnam
supported by the U.S. to hand
communist north vietnam in 1975.

People-life is thrown into chaos.

-Because life is unmanageable, they
willing to travel to other countries to build
a new life there.

Large-turbulence occurring in their country causing hundreds of lives were lost.

-Those who survived had left their own country to save lives


Bidung island has been declared a 'ban island.'

Our country received more illegal immigrants every year fishermen are not allowed to use the waters Bidung Island to conduct their activities.

Between 1978-1990 the number of Vietnamese boat landing Malaysia are 252.390 and 4.535 of baby
recorded birth.

Drained Bidong Island in 1991.

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