baby also got migraines

While most of us through childhood, the term headache never existed. But today, children often complain of headaches. In fact, not uncommon when a child specialist visit three times a month because of a headache.

Headaches are very common problem and everyone suffered. But, headache among children who have not been good at talking certainly more upsetting parents and children themselves.

Paediatrician Darul Ehsan Medical Centre, Dr Roliza Ibrahim, said it was only a year old child on experience headaches, even babies.

"The baby will let it hurt to cry and whine. But if more than a year old, he could tell the pain by rubbing eyes, pulling hair or bang their heads, "he said.

However, children also love acting. If he had a headache once or heard from your friends, each time experiencing the pain he would say he even headache is not.

Therefore, parents should know for sure, do children really sore head or just acting. Ling pa simple way, ask your child how he suffered the pain?

Usually children who really suffer from headaches will tell head felt tingling, followed by vomiting and if the headache is very strong, he can not get up. There are several types of headaches.

Usually most of the children suffer from headaches due to stress and headaches due to migraine. Besides vision and sinus problems also cause headaches. If dengue fever also may be a headache.

"There are also cases of headache symptoms actually other diseases. For example, a tumor in the brain or meningitis. Children are usually headache and vomiting. But it is a very rare case, "he said.

In general, natural headache in children is caused stress headaches and migraines. Dr Roliza say, headaches due to stress usually easily cured if the cause of the stress can be identified.

"For example, our children feel depressed every time I go to school. If observed, on holidays he can not headache, "he said.

He said sometimes when attacked headaches, your child is more comfortable alone in a dark room and se Nyap to relieve the pain.

The lights will only add to the pain. If that happens parents must understand the situation is an child.

Due to migraine headaches are usually inherited from family. If the parents are migraine sufferers, the children are also at risk of facing the same problem.

Due to migraine headaches are divided into two types, 'common migraine' and 'classical migraine'.

'Classical migraine' headache is accompanied alarm aura.

Aura is a visual disturbance that cause a person to feel illuminated with light. This type of headache occurs in the head.

'Common migraine' headache was not accompanied by an aura. The pain was in the side of the head only.

Common migraine is not very painful, but prolonged. This condition usually triggered various factors such as diet, stress or physical exertion is too extreme.

"Headaches can be treated easily by simply taking aspirin, but the dosage given should be suitable to the age and weight of the child. If too frequent headache attack and disrupt education, further examination by a physician should be made, "he said.



Most headaches happen outside the skull, in the nerves, blood vessels and muscles that cover the head and neck.
Muscle or blood vessels may swell, narrow or through changes that stimulate or put pressure on the nerves around.

These nerves send pain messages to the brain that cause headaches.
Due to the stress and tension of mind.
Since blood vessels grow under the scalp, causing nerve fibers that are associated with swelling and pain producing chemicals.
Involving the nervous system causing patients to feel nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, chills, blurred vision and excess sensitivity to light and sound.
Usually inherited in migraine keluarga.Tanda
Headache (on one or both sides of the head).
Throbbing pain.
Getting sick if doing any activities.
Nausea may be followed by vomiting.
Sensitive to light and sound.
If left untreated, it can last four to 72 hours (varies between individuals).
Attacks may occur several times a month or just once a year.

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