Keep Menstruation While Pregnant Could it be?

Many women think still menstruating despite being pregnant by a pregnancy test. Could it happen? The answer is not possible. In fact, one of the signs of pregnancy are not menstruating. Pregnancy and menstruation may not occur at the same time. The hormones that are active during pregnancy prevent ovulation. No menstruation without ovulation. If you get a period when you are pregnant, then it means there is a decay of the uterine lining. These layers are necessary to maintain your fetus. Thus, pregnancy may not be maintained if menstruating. Therefore, the spotting or bleeding you are experiencing is caused by something else, not menstruation.

Vaginal bleeding in early pregnancy is common. Approximately 25-30% of pregnant women experience bleeding in early pregnancy. It can be caused by several factors, among others:

1. Embryo implantation
In about 2-5 days after fertilization, the fertilized egg (embryo) will try mengimplantasi (attach themselves) to the uterine wall. During this process, bleeding could occur. This is normal and not a sign of a problem pregnancy. Approximately one-third of pregnant women experience it.

Implantation bleeding is usually mild with pink or brownish color and only lasted a few days until the successful implantation 5-10 days after conception.

2. Ectopic Pregnancy
Bleeding from an ectopic pregnancy is a dangerous kind. An ectopic pregnancy occurs when the fertilized egg implant outside the uterus, most commonly in the fallopian tubes. When the embryo grows, the fallopian tube can rupture, causing life-threatening bleeding. Symptoms that occur diverse and include pain and bleeding. Most ectopic pregnancies cause pain bleeding before the tenth week of pregnancy. The fetus will not develop and die from lack of nutrients.

3. Miscarriage
Miscarriage in most cases begin with mild bleeding. If the miscarriage process continues, blood loss is getting worse and accompanied by cramping pain in the lower abdominal pain exceeds menstrual pain. That's because the muscles of the uterus to contract to release the embryo and uterine tissue. Bleeding may be seen with lumps or masses of tissue. Most miscarriages can not be prevented and is generally not caused by things you do, such as heavy lifting, sexual, or emotional stress.

Most pregnant women who experience mild bleeding can continue the pregnancy safely. About half of those who experience mild bleeding became heavier and ended in miscarriage. Unfortunately there is no way to predict whether a mild bleeding will eventually develop more severe and result in miscarriage.

4. Pill
Research shows that women who get birth control pills while pregnant may experience intermittent bleeding. Birth control pills increase the risk of developing a blood clot around 3-4 times. Most birth control pills contain estrogen and progestin (synthetic progesterone). Estrogen and progesterone are hormones that maintain pregnancy and, if given in the form of oral contraceptives mimic pregnancy to prevent it. Estrogen in birth control pills increase the clotting factor and is considered to be responsible for an increased risk of blood clots during pregnancy. This causes bleeding should be reported to your doctor to be evaluated.

5. For other
In addition, the bleeding can also be caused by other things such as trauma or tear in the wall of the vagina, infection, Pap smear, vaginal examination, or sex. In early pregnancy, your cervix changes to accommodate your new baby. Your body will provide increased blood flow to your cervix. Cervical easier inflamed by sexual intercourse, pelvic exam, and other trauma.

Tips for You
If you experience bleeding during pregnancy, talk with your doctor or midwife, even if the bleeding has stopped. If you continue to develop mild bleeding becomes heavy, accompanied by painful cramps, back pain or stabbing pain, you should immediately seek medical help. These conditions are emergencies that need to be addressed immediately.

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