Stolen laptops younger brother Sultan

Kota Bharu - The act of a palace guard's laptop stealing younger brother Sultan of Kelantan Sultan Muhammad V, Aug. invite problem when he sentenced to two years' jail by the magistrate's court here yesterday.

Punishment decided after Mahamad Mahadi, 35, pleaded guilty to the charges.

He was charged with stealing Apple-branded laptop worth RM7, 500 owned A'ishah and Muawiyah Amalin Tengku Putri Sultan Ismail Petra.

Based on the charges, the incident occurred in Crown Castle Kubang Kerian, between the hours of 12 noon, 29 August and 2 in the morning, 30 August.

In fact, laptops are placed in the palace living room gone unnoticed before the police report was made.

The ensuing investigation arrested the accused with the goods cases.

Prior to sentencing, Magistrate Mohd Ali Mohd Ghazaly Fazaly said he not only consider the value of stolen goods but also taking into account that the accused courage encroach prohibition to commit the crime.

"Severe sanctions should be meted out to you so that you get the lesson and do not repeat the same mistakes," he said.

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