Four disease 'play'.

Diabetes, high blood pressure, kidney failure and heart disease - four closely related disease. Usually if someone have diabetes, a high risk of suffering from three diseases, especially if failing to control blood sugar levels.

Is estimated that worldwide there are about 250 million people with diabetes and records show mostly died from complications of the disease. The leading cause of death among diabetics is heart problems and kidney failure.

In Malaysia, the number of diabetics now reached 1.2 million people with a record 650,000 new cases each year. Most patients do not realize they are suffering from this chronic disease through to experience a variety of symptoms that affect the quality of medical hidup.Pakar believe most patients with diabetes several years before the disease is detected. Alarmingly, the longer a person has diabetes, the higher the risk for complications of the disease.

Diabetes mellitus is a disease of modern times and be real fifth highest cause of death in the world. An estimated one death occurred in every 10 seconds due to diabetes.

Complications of diabetes can be divided into two, namely:

l. Microvascular (small vessel damage involved) such as eye damage called diabetic retinopathy that causes patients to lose vision, kidney failure, nerve damage increases the risk of foot and leg cut.

2. Makrovaskular (involving large blood vessels) is likely to occur at a rate four times higher than microvascular complications.

Diabetes can increase the risk of heart disease, stroke, peripheral vascular disease (PVD of large blood vessels in the legs). Breakdown of diabetes complications:
1. 55 percent of deaths from heart disease
2. 13 percent of deaths due to uncontrolled sugar levels
3. 13 percent of deaths due to cancer
4. 19 percent of cases of death due to other diseases.

The first thing to do to avoid complications is to control the sugar level and blood pressure. However, diabetics who also suffer from high blood pressure and sugar levels difficult to achieve the target blood pressure (secure). However, deaths from diabetes complications can be prevented.

This is available from the largest clinical studies, ADVANCE organized by pharmaceutical company Servier involving diabetics around dunia.Kajian done to answer some of the unresolved issues related to control of blood pressure and glucose management in diabetes mellitus, the type of diabetes that afflicts adult patients.

Some of the results in the study arm blood pressure lowering drugs shows a constant composition of perindopril and indapamide for the treatment of hypertension (high blood pressure), can improve survival and reduce heart problems and kidney in diabetic patients given the drug manis.Gabungan recorded a significant reduction on overall mortality (up 14 percent) and risk of death from heart disease (up 18 percent). In simple words, in five years of study, one death can be avoided for every 79 patients treated with the combination treatment perindoril and indapamide.

In addition, the risk of an incident involving the heart decreased by 14 percent and 21 percent for incident kidney disease.

This means, of coronary events can be avoided for every 75 patients treated ini.Kajian ADVANCE done randomly at various centers diabetes involving 11,140 patients in 215 centers from 20 countries in Asia (including Malaysia), Australasia, Europe and North America; the country who are suffering from diabetes serius.Di our country, studies were conducted in five centers of the University Malaya Medical Centre (UMMC), Universiti Sains Malaysia Hospital (HUSM), Ipoh General Hospital, Hospital Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (HUKM) and General Hospital Island Pinang.Pemilihan patients for this study are based on several criteria, which are more than 55 years and no history of complications macro and micro vascular disease in the years prior to joining the test, indicates the other risk factors as well as suffering from hypertension or blood pressure normal.Kajian involves four branch to investigate the function of the heart and eyes after a combination of medications, cost effectiveness and quality of life and genetic factors.

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