Style Secrets of Sleep

On average if in a week you practice a style of sleep for 5 nights, that's a personal style that symbolizes your sleep.

JANIN FULL (sleep style languished)
You are a very sensitive and shy. You want to be confident right before spend energy to a particular project. Your ideal mate is a bloke who can give you a feeling of peace. If you meet this young man, you are very happy.

lying face (usually by hand bend at the bottom of the head)
You people are very organized, energetic, hardworking wake to face life. For everything you need to be planned carefully. You hate something surprising. Lover who loves being are tame dove make you often exasperated. So, look for couples who want to work the way you want.

FETUS beak (You sleep with your arms and legs close to the body rather twisted)
Your life comfortable and ready to find new opportunities. That's because you are confident of receiving a lot of people. You are a compromise. For most people, you are very interesting to have an attitude sensitive to the feelings of others. You prefer not to open compared to what is in his heart.

ROYAL (Sleeping supine)
You feel confident, confident and feel comfortable because of the focus. This style is usually owned by the eldest son or the smallest in the family and always choose the job to be creative. In the course of love, you should feel free, if not, you worry.

FLAMINGO (and somewhat oblique position with one knee flexed terlungkup other is straight)
You easily friends, but also to be dependent on others. For those of you living is compelling because of the experience. In communicating, you are less skilled. You tend to suppress the problem until problems pile up.

BIKERS (Any position with one hand touching another one shoulder or foot to bend knee touching each other)
You want to experiment in life. However you hard deliver heart desires. Even sometimes reach untouched. Easy success approaching you

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