Gulai tempoyak ikan Patin/Baung Perak

Ingredients (MKN for 4 servings)

Catfish or Baung
Tempoyak, from new durian
3 stalks lemongrass
Ginger Flower 1 stick. sliced
Leaf stalk kesom 5
Turmeric or serbok
Chilean red, from 7 to 10 seeds. pounded
2 large glasses of water.
The means

One of the easiest dishes, but not fully understood. My mother said tempoyak must stew of new tempoyak and ensiled right way.

Start start clean fish properly. Remove all the blood and internal organs. if not so black gravy. Cut the fish follow the desired size. Get in the pot. Login tempoyak 4 tbsp. Mix well with chili ikan.Masukkan pounded. Chili crushed and pounded not look better. Mix well again with tempoyak and fish. Marinade for setangah hours. When marinated, smell and taste of fish will disappear tempoyak at tastier fish.
Add the water, at least two large cups. Start a fire. Enter Flower ginger, lemon grass and leaves kesom. When boiling, add turmeric. After that season with salt and sugar, at least 3/4 tsp. Gravies must mix but be careful because these fish are soft, easy to break. Another, stew will cook about 1/2 hour. When done, leave 1/2 hours to fish and sauce blended. Tempoyak delicious stew when not overheated.
Extension: Cooking tempoyak Patin / Baung many variations. This version is available Silver original.Pah I have recipes. This stew tastes in tempoyak. If tempoyak the'm not good then it feels so too. Create new tempoyak of durian. Ensiled 3 days. Do not mix anything like salt or vinegar.
Memamg tempoyak cook delicious curry. Never in the onion, garlic, ginger, tamarind and coconut milk. Lost sense tempoyaknya. Want more tasty to be cooked by the river, didusun during durian season! Best of luck! Sure the best!!

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