854 million people are still hungry

FOOD dwindling. This is the fact that it unfolded in front of drowned despite reporting a variety of views about the political crisis and the crisis of natural disasters that occur every day.

No exaggeration to say that global warming impact more widely attention of the world population, compared to the deepening food shortages as specified reporting agency of the United Nations (UN), recently.

Report purporting to direct warning, linking the alarming growth of population increased by 3 billion people to 9.5 billion people in 50 years. Unfortunately, it is not balanced with the fact food source whose swelling down.

United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) recently claimed that 30 percent of endangered livestock and 75 percent of agricultural genetic diversity was already gone.

To make matters worse, the area of ​​land per person was declining, from 00:38 to 00:23 hectares in 1970 hectares in 2000 and only 0:15 hectares in 2050.

UN Environment Programme report also reveals the source of water, land, plants, animals and fish are all getting dropped.

This is exacerbated by the fact revealed by World Food Programme (WFP) specifying 57 countries, including 29 in Africa, 19 in Asia and nine in Latin America, hit by devastating floods affecting the food supply, as well as drought and heat in Asia, Europe, China , Sudan, Mozambique and Uruguay.

No wonder an alarming development that cause it gives warning as FAO Director-General stated, Jacque Diouf told the Telegraph recently.

"If you combine the increase in oil prices and the prices of food, you actually will see elements of severe social crisis in the future."

Statement by FAO leader who is responsible for monitoring food needs as the 'heart' is a very scary man.

More disturbing, we do not actually have to wait up to 50 years to see the effects of food shortages are already noticeable and actually hit a crisis.

The proof, so significant food shortage in Caracas, Venezuela had to be rationed. Berebutkan food riots in West Bengal, Mexico and among the victims of the storm Sidr, Bangladesh that hunger is also not a small issue.

In fact, the warning has already thrown hunger among people of Jamaica, Nepal, the Philippines and the African sub-continent.

"There are 854 million people are starving and the number rose 4 million people each year. We face food shortage worst in history. For poor people, they reach for food getting further away," said Director of the World Food Program ( WFP), Josette Sheeran.

Statement supported government action forced several countries to control the production cost of bread, maize and other dairy products.

However, the effort is further compounded by the prices of most of the world's major food rose dramatically and also trigger food inflation of 18 percent in China, Indonesia and Pakistan (13 percent) 10 percent or more in Latin America, Russia and India.

Wheat prices increased two-fold, corn rose 50 percent from a year ago and rice - staple diet for most of Asia, more than 20 percent proved costly.

Rising food prices were a result of the continued rise in oil prices significantly. At the same time, American farmer acts change from grain cultivation to biofuel crops. There are also the threats of extreme weather and a huge demand from the country with many of the world, India and China.

In Venezuela, the lack of meat, milk and poultry are also increasingly dire.

What steps can be taken to solve the problem? Some work themselves, including the launch boycott in Argentina when people say tomato boycott is far more expensive than meat.

In Italy, a campaign day citizens 'Boycott Pasta' to protest against the rise in food prices.

In Germany, the left-wing politicians urged the government to increase welfare benefits so that people face rising prices of goods.

This is evidence that food insecurity is deepening. Greatly mistaken if the perception is that food shortages are temporary and purely local.

It is also not just involve the need to fill the stomach, but the price was increased and disadvantages could trigger political instability.

In short, a country can chaos will happen if people could not find food, especially after a 'luxury era' for food with the influx of local and imported.

Ages luxury foods that cause many turn a blind eye care option or thought of food using fingers dialing food delivery service to the door. Imagine the situation when the world rice shortage that produce rice; wheat for making bread, pasta, pizza and bread strips and sugar?

Or poultry, such as chicken, duck, beef, lamb and fish are dying due to the threat of disease, pollution, and lack of land for farming. It's hard is not it? Not just imagine it, too difficult to face the truth, what else could it involve survival or survival of the human species itself.

The question is, what is the current world population face food this time of loss? What alternative do we have? So far the main food storage is temporary and focused on the individual and the family alone.

Experts were asked many scenarios for balancing food supply for the future. This includes ensuring that the market automatically take immediate action to overcome the shortage of food, because high prices will be encouraging more people to place emphasis on agriculture.

Not least is the hope witnessing the creation of new seeds and technologies that enable the plant more resistant or immune to disease and extreme weather changes.

Experts have previously said, many are choosing to reduce the practice of eating meat, more agricultural land for the purpose of human nutrition rather than animals, to be created.

In addition, family planning effort also reduces the pressure on the demand on the world food market. The important as the fishing should be educated to emphasize the importance of the environment than profit alone. Small fish should be released again to ensure important food source continues to exist.

Most importantly, the man himself - and at various levels in the world where even the niche should be educated to appreciate food and avoid wastage. They should also be exposed to the importance of planting their own vegetables in the home side while proving the appreciation of food.

If humans continue to be complacent, saying've to ask themselves difficult and practiced when food is already restricted to threaten human survival.
image souces:jellymerah.blogspot.com/

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