Dangerous Diabetes

In Malaysia, most people died of over-eating and in African countries people die for lack of food. This is a fact that can not be denied. Humans perish because of his own actions.
Some of the effects of excess weight is Diabetes. Not a few people who have it. The disease is not spared from confronting scientists and influential figure in Malaysia as well as fatal as Ust Asri of Rabbani, YB Roslan Shaharom, MP for Bukit Gantang and Datuk Razali Ismail, Former Deputy Minister of Education.
Here, I do not want to talk and cause adverse effects to the disease. Let the doctor talk about it. However, the purpose of this letter I am writing to advise me and fellow readers to take heed before the outbreak of the disease. Scholars saying "Prevention is better than cure" or in Arabic "الوقاية خير من العلاج". Therefore, the best situation is prevention because it can prevent a lot of damage and loss.

Among the causes that lead to the figures or scholars affected by this disease is caused symptoms feeding food "excessive" to them after lectures or parties. Sometimes the dishes are prepared, there is a chicken, meat etc with biryani rice. Catching the teacher was going to burp tu panjanglah and no longer need, look for rice near the house.
In addition, they are busy lecturing and cause them hardship duty time to play. Some teacher that, until late into the night sitting in another program. Then, go out to eat with friends late at night after the program also be the culprit.
Indeed, if we want to find an excuse, then pelbagailah will we find the grounds. Everything, as it were impossible to change. Here, try to calm yourself and try to observe reverse the signs of Allah swt in dealing with problems like this.
  1. Do not Overrun-Surplus
The main problem in diabetes is an extravagance that menatijahkan to waste. We just need to eat just to our needs. No more and no less. That's the best. If excessive, then we need to control it by fasting or exercising. The cure. God s.w.t. they describe this as a waste of his demons, then what we want to be his brother?
  2. Take healthy food
We need to eat kosher food and nutritious. God s.w.t. not instructed us to eat halal food simply instruct us otherwise nutritious food that is described in the Word as "حلالا طيبا". Let us ask ourselves, what is the main purpose of the food we eat? Due to energy and other nutrient-nutritional. Therefore, the selection of food and work must be in accordance with our activities.
 3. Take time to play
Spend a little time to work out and play us. If you can not afford a lot of it is sufficient for some. For recreation we do not necessarily go to the park or to the field to run. In front of the laptop you already have can work and play. Try to stop reading and move your arms and head and do a little allure and blow. Make in 5 minutes. It was enough. Let the blood and the fresh air can flow and diffuse through the body normally. Not to be too ideal until finally you are able to do. Let easily as long as there is impact
. Quite soon, the first 3 tips today. May be of benefit to all

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