interpretation of the Book Tajul Muluk in the habit of women in their birthday week.

Women's be honest, is not easily panic or panic, be careful, do not easily give in, have managed to keep themselves and mixing. Many friends of men and women who love it. He also easy to intercede, active, working hard, carefully
and know how to manage finances. But if fiery temper and frightening, seldom willing to admit defeat in an argument. In love, she poured unwavering loyalty and ready to sacrifice. Less fervent sexual lainkan find a good partner stimulus.

Habits of these women prefer to find one another and potentially double the husband. But soft speech and charming. When not like a person, always finding fault, hard and difficult heart softened.
But up easily and readily ask for help from another person. Know how to keep a secret, just who you want to know the secret. The results are not stable and easily influenced. He is also easily trapped in many ways. In her clever financially frugal, not stingy. He is hard working, no responsibility, love to be praised but need guidance and supervision in many things.

Love revenge. If any one does evil to him, he will do more evil again in person. But he was good at socializing, know how to win and know how to appreciate people. Likes friends of his own importance. Think
open, not smart enough to keep a secret, do not like to be governed in the work. The results are not balanced, less experience. His heart is not easily swallowed hard and coax. Only the specific orang2 knows soften his heart. On the question
financial he works hard to earn money but do not know how to save money. His love at first sight, and are willing to sacrifice for love. Tall and strong sexual, romantic and playful on bed having sex.

She likes to offend other people's feeling, what he said is abusive, strong desire, and being aggressive. Working diligently, do not like to be disturbed while working, ambitious. Can be attracted to other men even had a lover or husband. But he does not easily fall in love, love to research before making love. His heart is not fixed, easy to be fooled by so pleas do not know between good and bad. He's good management and financial planning. At the beginning of the marriage, subject to the husband, will change as long families. Sexual high, if not smart control may be tempted to lust fallen.

Women-born on this day his heart dared to oppose her husband. Proud, love to shop, love to be praised, sociable and like to do the dangerous and futile. Patriotism, clever keep a secret, do not like to admit their own fault. In questions of finance, not smart enough to be extravagant and save money. True love her and not easily changed, just that they are not transparent. Sexual very special, fun, full of tenderness but when cold do not like being forced.

Jealous, love the material, not like with the kids, love to argue. But he is resolute stance, smart thinking, thorough in many respects. Never feel satisfied, like sacrifice anything to achieve ambitions. When love, love to investigate the background of a couple and like to test. Clever frugal and always thinking of the future. This woman agreed and in accordance with the order of her husband. Sexual pretty cool, but once started, his sex strong and durable, not tergesa2 and done with gentleness.

Women-born on this day usually prefer luxury and self menunjuk2. When a husband faithful to her husband, but loves to be humble friends and proud of yourself. He did not listen to advice like, easily fooled by kata2. Likes to criticize people but do not like people criticizing him. Love for not transparent but are willing to sacrifice anything if liver'm like. Know how to keep a secret, and work hard labor, not easily deterred but be profligate. High sexual stimulation but when could not find another way of satisfaction.

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