Tip Collection AgeLess

Tip 1: Just waking up in the morning, before taking a shower and brush your teeth, apply these tips. Sort your face with water from the bottom of the chin to the forehead accompanied by prayers prophet three times. Practice every day sequences.

Tip 2: Just waking up in the morning, before taking a shower and brush your teeth, drink water and leave it in the mouth for 10 seconds and while the invocation three times. Then, new diteguk. Saliva are enzymes that can be medicine.

Tip 3: Use cutting nails or hair on good dog days of Monday, Thursday and Friday. In addition, practice planting nail / hair cut or fall out.

Tip Options To Eliminate Lice Hair

Option 1:
Take some white onion and finely ground. Mix it with cooking oil and put on the hair. Wrap head with a cloth for 1 hour before washing.

Option 2:
Starfruit rub over your hair and scalp. Allow about 5-10 minutes and rinse with clean water. The hair will come back healthy and flea-free.

Option 3:
Take away the drugs silverfish and mashed until smooth. Mix drugs with a half cup of silverfish coconut oil / cooking oil. Rub all over the head and wrap your head with a cloth. After 15 minutes, rinse hair.

Bloody nose

What is a nose bleed?
Nose bleed (epistaksis) usually occurs when small blood vessels in the nasal cavity broken capillaries.
What is the cause of nose bleeds?

Injury to the nose
Excessive cold air or dry
Blow your nose loudly
Repeated sneezing
Tumor in the nasal cavity
What should I do?