Division of Water Type

Water from a legal perspective terbahagi to three types, namely:

1. Water is sacred and should purify other objects. He terbahagi to two:

a) Water Mutlaq:

Water is sacred anymore mutlaq purify water is by nature eternal origin of events that have been made by Allah swt

The water is still water mutlaq said although he had changed due to long terbiar, due to soil, moss and place or places bertakung flow contains sulfur. It is his deep water is difficult to be circumvented rather than the cause.

Theorem that shows sanctity mutlaq water, as the words of the Prophet the mean:

"Instead of Abu Hurairah rah said, a then terkencing Badwi standing in the mosque, then the friends went to prevent it. Then the Messenger of Allah said, let him and pour in the water setimba urine. Indeed you are asked to facilitate not bothersome".

Allah commands s.a.w. menjiruskan that water into the urine is the argument that shows that the purified water has properties.
b) Water Musyammas:

namely pure water cleanses but makruh use again.
Water is sacred anymore sanctify others but makruh used on body weight does not on clothes.
Water Musyammas intends hot water exposed to sunlight namely the countries of the temperate heat where he could bring rust like iron, tin, and others where it gives the skin when exposed to harm or cause loss tubuih It hairpiece, leprosy and so on. As word Rasullah s.a.w. intends: -

"From Aisha fact he was heating water in sunlight it has been said Rasullah saw him do not you have done this, O Aisha actual water dried hairpiece that can cause disease." (Reported by Baihaqi)
2. The water can not purify the sacred but other objects. He terbahagi to two:

a) Water Musta'amal:

Namely the holy water on him but did not cleanse the other words which mean that water should not be drunk but not legitimately be used to purify anything.

That said Musta'amal on mengangkatkan hadas water flush is the first time in the shower or wudu 'is obligatory and divorced rather than members.
Which is said to eliminate the impure water Musta'amal namely if the water is not changed and does not increase.
Water than the water points and fruits like coconut shoots than made sap wood or roots.
The water turns there are two ways: -

Taqdiri changing - changing water Taqdiri namely water change just in Taqdir other features that can not be seen to be changes.
Changed the Hissi - Water that turns on Hissi namely changing the water with something that can be seen will change.
- How legal mentaqdirkan water mixed with something like rose water seems to have lost the smell, taste and color.

- The smell with the smell of incense let ditaqdirkan Arabic.
- In a sense let ditaqdirkan with pomegranate flavor.
- The color let ditaqdirkan with wine color.

If change is the law taqdir musta'amal water and if it does not change with this taqdir the absolute water law.

The water is mixed with it there are two ways: -

Mixed Mujawir namely by changing water causes including with something that can be separated than water, for example a full baldi including a water sandal wood and wood be separated than water, then the water law is absolute water .
Mixed by Mukhalit namely objects in the water that can not be separated than water, such as a baldi filled with water which then included into the indigo water Musta'amal unpunished.
b) Water Muqayyad:

Water is mixed with something sacred that changing one character (color, taste and smell) cause he was not called mutlaq water again as water mixed with honey, shingles and others.
3. Water is unclean or mutanajjis, namely the affected water excretion. He terbahagi to two:

a) Water sukatannya less than two schools and exposed excrement unless excused, as no change properties (color, taste and smell) or not.

b) Water sukatannya more than two schools and change properties (color, taste and smell) as no changes were little or a lot.

Size of water two schools that are as follows: -
If you thought a kerosene tin, then water the two schools that are as much as 9 2/3 tin
If you thought the scales, the weight of the water the two schools that are weighing 162.72 kg.
If you thought the size of the square, then water the two schools that require a size of 60 x 60 cm.

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