Secret dispositive Children Through FIzikal, Tarikh Born, Color and Order in the Family motivational expert assessment followed Dato 'from fadzilah kamsah

terms of fizikal
a bit jarring, but very kreatif.aktif gloom and content bergerak.agak penakut.suka awarded and fondling another person
likes to sleep and strong makan.kuat not think the spirit but always long before bertindak.sensitif, irritable and want kesempurnaaan
a tenang.penyayang, easy and organized when it departed ansur for work, thinking a little slow but sharp sting, insipid and rarely angry.

chronicle birth
in 2,4,6,8,9,11,12
-gloom, easily depressed, always fast kid, impatient, want perfection, my boy was always looking for greatness

bulan1, 3,5,6,7,10,12
-quiet, easy ansur contrast, easy to talk

bulan2, 3,4,7,8,9
High-emotional, straightforward bouncy and irritability

in terms of color
green-loving nature, generous, take the weight, compassionate, humane, critical, many ideas

black-serious, high iltizam, created by decree anything bersungguh2

white-optimistic, patient, good thought, like peace

pink-loving, bersungguh2, high desire

oren-like kebebasasn, creative, active, somewhat hazy, noisy fellow, high spirits

yellow-cheerful, energetic resistance, like befriending

blue-sensitive, ethical, helpful, like working, willing to sacrifice for others

gold / silver-like to triumph

sequence in the family

firstborn similar conversation bikn, brilliant at home and sek, a model to adik2, clever pujuk, like other people watch,

middle child-like so peaceable, generous, easy to be friendly, like contrast ansur

bongsu child-dare to take risks, contrary ansur, gentle, creative

child-confident, do not rely on others, careful, thorough and detailed, high cita2, quixotic

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